Alumni Update December 2020
Laura Wright2020-12-27T14:58:05-05:00Alumni Update As 2020 comes to an end, I thought it be a good idea to give you an update on the activities of the Ticonderoga Alumni Association during a year that has been unlike any the world has ever seen. Scholarship Award Program- We met with the Senior Class to explain the award program on March 13th. That was the last day of normal instruction for Ticonderoga students. The school was forced to go virtual for the rest of the 2019-20 school year. The twenty seniors who applied for the award each received either $1000 or $750; the largest individual [...]
Congratulations to Cody Lang!
Laura Wright2020-06-12T13:01:54-04:00We have a winner!!! Congratulations Cody Lang of MommaBearLittleMoon!!! Cody's design has been chosen for our Extravaganza t-shirts. We will be working with Jaimee Kuhl of Huddy & Co. to create the t-shirts. Thank You to Terry Brannock of Brannock Properties LLC for sponsoring the $100 prize award!
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
Laura Wright2020-01-17T10:28:24-05:00To quote John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” It is so easy for life to take over when we aren’t looking. Work, being there for others, and raising a family can really “get in the way” of staying in contact with people over the years. Whether it is trying to drop a letter in the mail, picking up the phone to say hello, or even getting a minute to hit send on a text. It can be a struggle for time. Calendars are a great tool for attempting to manage the little things that get pushed aside. Put 45 minutes to call [...]
Thanks to Alumni Brian and Rachel Little!!
Laura Wright2019-10-08T09:52:25-04:00September 25, 2019 Brian and Rachel Little 60 Railroad Place Suite 203 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Dear Brian and Rachel, On behalf of the Ticonderoga Alumni Association Board, I would like to thank you both for all the time, effort, and money you provided to help make the softball tournament a success; we truly could not have done it without you. As a former teacher (and alumna) of Ticonderoga, it is gratifying and rewarding to see how Ti graduates start great and become wonderful. Your willingness to serve others is an example for us all and a model for [...]
Can your class reach you?
Laura Wright2019-09-25T11:09:12-04:00The reunions of 2019 are wrapping up and the reunions for the summer of 2020 are being planned. Can your classmates reach you? Please take a moment today to enter your contact information through our Alumni website. It only takes a moment. Along with updated information for your class, you will also receive our annual newsletter. Provide your email, and you will also receive updates throughout the year of special events the alumni association will be hosting, giving you the opportunity to network with your fellow alumni. Are YOU the one planning the reunion for your class? We are a great [...]
Staying in touch without “Life” getting in the way
Laura Wright2019-08-09T10:32:36-04:00Some of our "younger" alumni have recently passed away, and it brings to mind the saying "Never get so busy making a living that your forget to make a life." We can get so wrapped up in the day to day things, working multiple jobs to make ends meet, raising kids, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, making dinner, etc. that we don't take the time to reach out and connect with people we care about. Then, before you know it, they are gone. Now, this is not a blog to depress everyone. On the contrary. This is just a friendly [...]
Ticonderoga Alumni Awards
Laura Wright2019-07-18T08:37:20-04:00Our summer 2019 reunions have concluded, and from what I have heard, they were all a success!! Great food, great company and great weather... The next step in the summer journey for the Ticonderoga Alumni Association is our Annual Awards Ceremony. It is being held on Friday, July 26, 2019 at the Best Western in Ticonderoga. The cocktail hour starts at 5PM with complimentary appetizers and a cash bar. Mingle with past and current award recipients while catching up with community members who are there to show their support. Speeches and awards start at 7PM and the entire ceremony is usually [...]
Behind the scenes at the 2020 Extravaganza planning table…..
Laura Wright2019-05-13T09:06:05-04:00When you attend an event that looks effortless and you have a great time, you know the hours of planning behind it are extensive. The 2020 Extravaganza is no different! The planning for this event started in Spring 2018. A committee meets regularly to set up all the details, big and small, to make this event a smashing success. The date has been chosen. Bands have been hired. To tent or not to tent? Activities surrounding this event have been discussed. Many, many ideas to discuss and hash out. One thing that is usually needed for these large events is cash. [...]