Our summer 2019 reunions have concluded, and from what I have heard, they were all a success!!  Great food, great company and great weather…

The next step in the summer journey for the Ticonderoga Alumni Association is our Annual Awards Ceremony.  It is being held on Friday, July 26, 2019 at the Best Western in Ticonderoga.  The cocktail hour starts at 5PM with complimentary appetizers and a cash bar.  Mingle with past and current award recipients while catching up with community members who are there to show their support.  Speeches and awards start at 7PM and the entire ceremony is usually wrapped up by 8PM.  This event is free and open to the public.

Now that I have shared the details of the event, let me tell you the importance of this event.

The Distinguished Alumni awards have been created in an effort to recognize graduates of Ticonderoga High School who have succeeded in their personal and professional lives. Alumni selected will have distinguished themselves by virtue of their contributions to community and/or society as well as to their careers. The goal of the awards is to introduce positive role models to the Ticonderoga High School community and the achievements of these outstanding alumni should inspire students and encourage them to adopt high aspirations.  Special Service Awards recipients are selected by the Ticonderoga Alumni Association’s Board of Directors for the outstanding service to the Alumni Association and/or the community of Ticonderoga. Recipients must be graduates of Ticonderoga High School.  Recipients of the Friend of Ticonderoga Schools Award are selected by the Ticonderoga Alumni Association’s Board of Directors. This award is presented to individuals who did not attend Ticonderoga High School but have made significant contributions to our school community.

Role models are wonderful things.  Letting our children see someone who is “successful” is important.  Everyone’s definition of “successful” is different, and is not a cookie-cutter example.  One person’s version of “success” may mean less about career and more about community giving.  Another person may feel it is all about the career, which then allows the individual to give back to their community in more of a financial way.  And yet another person’s version of “success” may just mean struggling through high school, walking across that graduation stage, and going on to be an upstanding, contributing citizen in their community.  “Success” takes on many different meanings and the important meaning is what it means to YOU.  Role models are around us in our community, on TV, etc.  We take from each person what we value as a successful trait.  We choose to adopt those traits into our lives, looking to live our best life.  That is all we can do.

When we have such outstanding role models who are graduates of Ticonderoga High School, or who are Friends of Ticonderoga Schools, it is important to recognize those folks that exemplify the definition described for each of our awards.  The recipients are not looking for the recognition, which makes the award that much more gratifying to give….These awards are just a small “Thank You” for becoming such amazing role models in our community.  Please join us on July 26, 2019 to celebrate our Ticonderoga High School Alumni.