Alumni Newsletter 2019


Our 2019 Ticonderoga Alumni Association Newsletter will be hitting your doorsteps and inboxes soon!  Watch for this year's edition over the next few weeks.  We have articles on the Alumni award winners for 2018, Alumni highlights, updates on our technological advances over the past year at the Alumni Association as well as the list of our gracious donors. Wondering how you can receive the newsletter by email?  Go onto the Ticonderoga Alumni Association website and update your information.  During that process, you can choose how you would like to receive the newsletter (email only, mail only or both email and mail). [...]

Alumni Newsletter 20192019-03-18T14:26:34-04:00

Reunions Galore!


Classes are ramping up their reunion plans for this summer! Classes of 1969, 1979 and 2009 have started meeting on their details. Check the "Reunion" tab on the Ticonderoga Alumni Website for dates, information and contact info. If you are planning a reunion, please forward your information to so we can post it on the website.

Reunions Galore!2019-02-25T10:38:37-05:00

Alumni Day at Ti High School


March 15, 2019 is going to be Alumni Day for the seniors at Ticonderoga High School. Representatives from the Ticonderoga Alumni Association, as well as Jay Hebert-a recent graduate, will be available to chat with the seniors. The Alumni scholarship forms will be available and Steve Boyce will be discussing how the scholarships work. The seniors will meet for Mr. Wells' class in the computer lab that day so they can register on the Ticonderoga Alumni website as an alumni of Ticonderoga High School. Alumni swag will also be given to the seniors --graduation is just "down the road!"

Alumni Day at Ti High School2019-02-25T10:35:32-05:00

A note from the President (of the Alumni Board silly!) :)


Hi Alumni and Friends, Please be patient- this is my first blog. If you are reading this message, I know you are visiting our new website. What a great job our Website Redesign team did! This accomplishment is just one reason I’m so proud of our Board of Directors. I hope you’re getting excited about our 2020 Extravaganza ( more great teamwork.) To get ready in 2019, we’re getting ready by doing meals, music, and miles- or BBQ’s, local bands, and fun runs. And finally, the end of 2018 is fast approaching. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation for this year. [...]

A note from the President (of the Alumni Board silly!) :)2018-11-29T12:50:00-05:00



We had a fantastic turnout of sponsors and supporters for the 2018 Ticonderoga Alumni Association Scholarship Golf Tournament!  We send out a big THANK YOU to those listed below and look forward to seeing everyone at the 2019 Golf Tournament: Ticonderoga Alumni Association Scholarship Golf Tournament 2018 Sponsors and Supporters Ticonderoga Golf Course, George Mackey, Rick Liddell, and Staff Emerald’s II Adirondack Hair Creations Adirondack Sanitary Service American Flat Bread of Middlebury Bagneschi, Maria Bartlett, John and Joanne Belfred Court Best Western Plus Bodettes/The Candy Corner Bolton, Bill and Sandie Boyce, Steve and Sylvia Brannock Properties Burleigh, Boyce, and Wendell Golf [...]

A BIG THANK YOU!2018-11-29T12:49:47-05:00

Extravaganza 2020-Get Involved!


Join us at the Extravaganza 2020 committee meeting to be held on October 24, 2018 at 6:30PM.  The meeting will be held at the Ticonderoga High School Board Room, right off of the cafeteria.  Please enter the school through the front doors. We are busy planning fundraisers and coming up with the details for the actual Extravaganza 2020.  We would love to have your participation with the brainstorming and encourage everyone to attend. Celebrate being a Sentinel and help plan this fun-filled event. See you on October 24th!  

Extravaganza 2020-Get Involved!2018-09-25T12:55:24-04:00

Alumni updates are pouring in! :)


Our new and improved website has been live for only 2 weeks and people are updating their contact information.  We are very excited that people are taking the time to go onto the site and giving us their latest mailing/email particulars…encourage your fellow alumni to come onto the site and do the same.  We are building a stronger, more accurate database to serve our members.  We are also learning that quite a few of you would prefer receiving our annual newsletter in an email instead of the good old postal service. Also, we have received our first reunion news…Go Class of [...]

Alumni updates are pouring in! :)2018-09-20T15:46:13-04:00

Welcome to our new and improved website!


The Alumni Association Website Committee has been working diligently to bring our alumni a new and improved website.  Our goal is to make your journey through our website a friendly, informative one, as well as give you a location to connect with fellow alumni.  This website format will make it easier for the Website team to update the site frequently with current information, making our website a go-to spot for reunion information, alumni event/fundraiser dates, as well as general information on our awards and scholarship programs.  This is a work in progress, so if you find an error within our website [...]

Welcome to our new and improved website!2018-09-05T10:28:48-04:00
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