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Planetarium Show

Ticonderoga HS Planetarium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Planetarium at the Ticonderoga High School invites the public to attend our evening planetarium sessions. Join us for an evening under the stars to see a FULLDOME feature movie.   Each night the doors open for 3 general sessions. General sessions begin at 4:45PM, 5:45PM and 6:45PM and are appropriate for ages 8 and up.   Advance seating reservation required, space is limited to 30 seats per showing. To reserve seats please call 518-585-7400 ext. 1412.   Arrive 10 minutes early via the main parking lot entrance on Lake George Avenue.  Attendees are encouraged to arrive early because once the show [...]

Extravaganza 2020 Meeting

Ticonderoga High School Auditorium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

Join us to plan fundraisers for our Extravaganza 2020 Meeting.  Meeting will take plae at the Ticonderoga High School in the Board Room, located off of the cafeteria.

Modified Football vs Peru

Peru High School 17 School Street, Peru, New York

4PM (Rescheduled from 10/26/2018)  

Planetarium Show

Ticonderoga HS Planetarium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Planetarium at the Ticonderoga High School invites the public to attend our evening planetarium sessions. Join us for an evening under the stars to see a FULLDOME feature movie.   Each night the doors open for 3 general sessions. General sessions begin at 4:45PM, 5:45PM and 6:45PM and are appropriate for ages 8 and up.   Advance seating reservation required, space is limited to 30 seats per showing. To reserve seats please call 518-585-7400 ext. 1412.   Arrive 10 minutes early via the main parking lot entrance on Lake George Avenue.  Attendees are encouraged to arrive early because once the show [...]

Planetarium Show

Ticonderoga HS Planetarium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Planetarium at the Ticonderoga High School invites the public to attend our evening planetarium sessions. Join us for an evening under the stars to see a FULLDOME feature movie.   Each night the doors open for 3 general sessions. General sessions begin at 4:45PM, 5:45PM and 6:45PM and are appropriate for ages 8 and up.   Advance seating reservation required, space is limited to 30 seats per showing. To reserve seats please call 518-585-7400 ext. 1412.   Arrive 10 minutes early via the main parking lot entrance on Lake George Avenue.  Attendees are encouraged to arrive early because once the show [...]

Planetarium Show

Ticonderoga HS Planetarium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Planetarium at the Ticonderoga High School invites the public to attend our evening planetarium sessions. Join us for an evening under the stars to see a FULLDOME feature movie.   Each night the doors open for 3 general sessions. General sessions begin at 4:45PM, 5:45PM and 6:45PM and are appropriate for ages 8 and up.   Advance seating reservation required, space is limited to 30 seats per showing. To reserve seats please call 518-585-7400 ext. 1412.   Arrive 10 minutes early via the main parking lot entrance on Lake George Avenue.  Attendees are encouraged to arrive early because once the show [...]

Alumni Basket Raffle preview and ticket sales

Knights of Columbus #333 103 Montcalm St, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

Join us for an exciting preview of our basket raffle on Friday, May 17, 2019 from 5PM-8PM.  Tickets will be sold for the basket raffle as well, so you can take your time and take a closer look at the baskets.  Benefiting the Ticonderoga Alumni Association 2020 Extravaganza.

Chicken BBQ and Basket Raffle

Knights of Columbus #333 103 Montcalm St, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

Chicken BBQ and Basket Raffle Saturday May 18, 2019     2:00PM-10:00PM   Knights of Columbus Takeout & Dinners available at 5PM Basket Raffle Drawings at 7PM 50/50 Drawing at 9PM Live local bands from 6PM-10PM


Class of 1979 40th Reunion

Lawson Home Ticonderoga, NY

Ticonderoga High School Class of 1979 is having their 40th Class Reunion July 5-6, 2019.  On Friday, July 5th, a pre-reunion party will be held at the Lawson home on Black Point Road.  Stay tuned for more details.  Look for updates on the Sentinels Class of ’79 Facebook Page.

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