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2021 Alumni Extravaganza

Ticonderoga Bicentennial Park

Thursday, July 29th All Day - Set up your tent! *40X100 Alumni Tent in the Park - Space for all decades or set up your own tent! 4PM-8PM:  Alumni Association Tent Open for Registration 5PM:  5K Fun Run – The Kissing Bridge – sign up at 4:30PM 5PM-9PM: Food Vendors 4PM-11PM: Live Music in the Park 4PM-6PM: Paul Hurlburt – DJ 6PM-8PM: Chuck Moore 8PM-11PM: Hodge Podge Friday, July 30th All Day - Set up your tent!  *40X100 Alumni Tent in the Park - Space for all decades or set up your own tent! 4PM-8PM: Alumni Association Tent Open for [...]

Class of 1970 Reunion

Knights of Columbus #333 103 Montcalm St, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Class of 1970 will be having a reunion July 30, 2021 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Contact Judy Sacco Davis for more details. [email protected]

Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony 2021

Best Western Ticonderoga, NY

We are in the process of finalizing the Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony.  6/30/2021

Class of 1971 Reunion

Knights of Columbus #333 103 Montcalm St, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

The Class of 1971 will be having a reunion on July 31, 2021 at the Knights of Columbus. Contact Carolyn Anderson or Peggy Armstrong for more details.

Annual Alumni Golf Tournament 2021

Ticonderoga Country Club 609 New York 9N, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

Our annual golf tournament will be held at the Ticonderoga Country Club on Saturday, July 31, 2021 with an 8AM shotgun start. This is a 18 hole, 4 person scramble. You do not need to be an alumni to play in this tournament. Cost (includes greens fees, cart, lunch and prizes) Club Members – $75 Non-Members $100 Lunch will be an outdoor cook-out in the lower area of the Club House following the tournament. The menu includes chicken, hamburgers, sausage and peppers, side salads and dessert. The lunch charge for a non-golfer is $30 (tax and tip included). Golfers are encouraged [...]

2025 Ticonderoga Alumni Extravaganza Kickoff In Concert with James Cawley “ELVIS”

Ticonderoga High School Auditorium 5 Calkins Place, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

In Concert with James Cawley $20 Adults $10 Students Doors open at 6:30PM Show your Sentinel Pride by wearing PURPLE!!! Tickets available at The Chamber of Commerce or by contacting Bob Dedrick at 518-569-4325 or Karla Vigliotti at 518-586-6567 Tickets also available at the door

Chicken Barbecue

Knights of Columbus #333 103 Montcalm St, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

When :  Saturday, July 15, 2023  Serving chicken dinner at 5:00pm until sold out (200 dinners) Take-outs available at 4:30pm We recommend that you call ahead at 518-585-6520 Where:  Ticonderoga Knights of Columbus #333 50/50 Raffle Music by Hodge Podge 5:00pm-8:00pm Fundraiser for the 2025 Alumni Extravaganza  


2023 Ticonderoga Alumni Annual Golf Tournament

Ticonderoga Country Club 609 New York 9N, Ticonderoga, NY, United States

Our annual golf tournament will be held at the Ticonderoga Country Club on Saturday, July 29, 2023 with an 8AM shotgun start. This is a 18 hole, 4 person scramble. You do not need to be an alumni to play in this tournament. Cost (includes greens fees, cart, lunch and prizes) TBD - Non-Member of Ticonderoga Country Club TBD - Member of Ticonderoga Country Club Golfers are encouraged to contact the Pro Shop at 518-585-2801 ext. 2 to reserve a spot in the tournament for their team. Individuals that would like to play but do not have a 4 person team [...]

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