2021 Alumni Extravaganza
Ticonderoga Bicentennial ParkThursday, July 29th All Day - Set up your tent! *40X100 Alumni Tent in the Park - Space for all decades or set up your own tent! 4PM-8PM: Alumni Association Tent Open for Registration 5PM: 5K Fun Run – The Kissing Bridge – sign up at 4:30PM https://lachuterunners.wordpress.com/fun-run-2/ 5PM-9PM: Food Vendors 4PM-11PM: Live Music in the Park 4PM-6PM: Paul Hurlburt – DJ 6PM-8PM: Chuck Moore 8PM-11PM: Hodge Podge Friday, July 30th All Day - Set up your tent! *40X100 Alumni Tent in the Park - Space for all decades or set up your own tent! 4PM-8PM: Alumni Association Tent Open for [...]